Tour description
From center of Rauland (Esso gas station), follow the road 362 about 600 m, turn left onto road Fv852 until you see Raulandsakademiet cource center on the right side. Telemarkstunet is located behind Raulandsakademiet.
This traditional Telemark farmstead is located next to Raulandsakademiet. The courtyard has a collection of replicas of local, traditional log buildings.
Crafts exhibition, cafè serving traditional food, open craft workshops and a traditional wood-fired stone oven bakery. There are also folk music concerts taking place here during the summer season.
Open during the summer and by appointment.
More information
Contact Raulandsakademiet on phone (+47) 35 07 32 92 or e-mail post@raulandsakademiet.no
From center of Rauland (Esso gas station), follow the road 362 about 600 m, turn left onto road Fv852 until you see Raulandsakademiet cource center on the right side. Telemarkstunet is located behind Raulandsakademiet.